About Us

Meet the team at Radon Solutions Alberta.

Alberta's Radon Solution Experts

Our team's extensive construction knowledge, expertise and experience in radon mitigation puts us in a class above. We go above and beyond for each and every client to ensure that they have a positive experience when dealing with our company, and most importantly, reducing their radon levels based on our many years of experience in the industry.

We hope all of our customers, whether near or far, appreciate the time and energy we spend in helping them reduce their radon exposure in their homes, and keeping their family safe and healthy for years to come.

Meet the Team

Howard Fuhr

Owner – C-NRPP Certified Radon Mitigation Professional

Howard has been involved in the building and construction industry for almost 30 years. He has a diploma from NAIT in carpentry and millworking and holds a designation as a Certified Master Building Inspector in Alberta. His background in building provides a huge advantage over our competition when it comes to resolving radon issues. He’s extremely knowledgeable on building science and code to insure homeowners help protect themselves now and into the future.

“Every place should be tested. The technology is out there, it’s so easy to do, and in most cases relatively easy to resolve if the area has concentrated levels of radon. The sad part is that many consumers don’t even know what radon is, or realize that they could be living or working in a highly concentrated area of radon. The worst part of our job is hearing the sad stories about parents or other family members who now have lung cancer or know of someone who has passed on. The rewarding part is getting the call after a mitigation and hearing how happy our clients are that we have effectively lowered their radon levels, it’s great to know that we are having an impact in helping saving lives daily.”Howard Fuhr

Amy DesRoches

Radon Measurement Specialist

Amy’s background as a chemical engineer has given her an advantage in understanding radon and the effects on human health. Amy is a Radon Measurement Specialist certified by C-NRPP, she is able to apply all her knowledge in testing homes, businesses, schools and daycares.

‘’My concern is obviously the risks of exposure and providing awareness to as many people as possible. I think all need to be educated and raise awareness so that all of us have the opportunity to get our place of work or home tested, I will gladly do this for you”Amy Desroches

Dave Devine

Radon Specialist

Dave has been involved in radon for almost a decade. He has a diploma from NAIT as an Electronic Engineering Technologist. Daves Technical background is very beneficial for managing technically challenging installs when it comes to radon mitigations.

Dave is certified by C-NRPP to ensure that all standards and best practices are followed. He gets tremendous satisfaction that he is making homes safe for his customers, especially children.